Photo by Simon Matzinger


Closures >  Per via della mia coerenza, il primo aprile 2019 sancì ironicamente la risoluzione del mio ruolo di creatore del progetto di prevenzione del suicidio e così pure la chiusura di tutta una serie di finestre d’opportunità aperte dalla collaborazione con l’ospedale. Non ero disposto a cedere a compromessi che mi avrebbero sì permesso di continuare a produrre effetti di rilievo sociale, ma avrebbero altresì corrotto il sistema di valori sul quale è fondato il mio intero io. Il momento in cui un soggetto si sottomette, anche se per un bene superiore, coincide sempre con…

Photo by Samuel Zeller


Moving > Since I came back from my journey in Iceland, Oakenglass Suicide Prevention Project has progressed in a slow but steady way. For this reason, I’ve waited to have several irons in the fire before writing a new update post. Here they are (spoiler: we are moving big)... • 26 September 2018: we reached the 1.000 € milestone on Oakenglass GoFundMe campaign. • 05 November 2018: I met the hospital director to ask for the approval of my theoretic project. • 20 December 2018: the actual project, drawn up by the Psychology UOC, was then…

Photo by Christina Boemio


Rollercoaster > This will only be a quick update.The days following the launch of Oakenglass’ fundraising campaign have been an emotional rollercoaster. Joy, thanks to the closeness of some. Anger, due to the apathy of others. Bliss, thanks to the philosophy I live by. Rage, due to the narcissistic capitalism we live in. Then melancholy, rapture, anxiety, serenity, concern and hope… all melted together before my journey alone.Perhaps I’ll elaborate, one day.Anyway… the campaign is going well, and I have many new ideas to support it as soon as I come back home. My journey in…

Photo by Jakob Owens


Crowdfunding > It’s three o’clock in the morning, and I’ve just launched the crowdfunding campaign, at last. But before talking about it, I would want you to read a story by Loren Eisely, an American anthropologist.Once upon a time, there was a wise man who used to go to the ocean to do his writing. He had a habit of walking on the beach before he began his work.One day, as he was walking along the shore, he looked down the beach and saw a human figure moving like a dancer. He smiled to himself at the…

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Photo by Julie Johnson


Newspaper > Oakenglass has been featured on the homepage of Bergamonews, a local online newspaper.The article is covered by copyright, so I’ve translated my quotes only. Here they are:This detachment is understandable even amongst friends. If a friend tells you about a physical illness they have, we feel more mentally prepared to help them; but suicide is another story. We feel scared when we have to face a confidence that hides a distress and a profound suffering towards life: our first instinct is to run away. This is because there’s no training, there isn’t the needed knowledge…

Photo by Aaina Sharma


Talking > Some time after I had the idea of supporting the crowdfunding campaign through my bikepacking journey to Iceland, I found out that the International Association for Suicide Prevention almost does the same. Each year, around the World Suicide Prevention Day, the IASP proposes the Cycle Around the Globe challenge: jointly cycle a distance equal to the circumference of our Earth (i.e. 40.075 kilometres), to raise awareness about the risk factors of suicide and raise funds for vital projects on suicide prevention. I’ve just submitted the nine hundred and eighty kilometres I’m going to cover with my…


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